Stay Gallery Artist Reception x Toy Drive Dec. 14th

I realize this announcement is a little last minute, but  you never know when and where your blessings will come from. I thought I was done showcasing my art for 2012 when Stay Gallery contacted me a couple days ago about being one of their feature artists for the next month. My new Ignorant Butterflies painting will be on display and the exhibition kicks off Friday Dec. 14th. The gallery is hosting an artist reception/toy drive from 8-12pm at 11140 Downey Ave. and you can expect an evening filled with beautiful art, drinks and live music. I look forward to seeing you there!

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Mod Magazine Features Vakseen

I recently sat down with fashion zine Mod Magazine to discuss life, my creative process and of course #VakseenArt. Their newest release dropped last week and you can check out the [...]