Mybomberjacket Releases “Bomber South x Vakseen” Collab

As a craft beer connoisseur I was thrilled when Mybomberjacket reached out to work on a limited edition BomberSouth beer insulator capsule series featuring #VakseenArt. After months of planning, the new limited edition C-16 “Cali Love” Bomber (designed by me) has officially released & as you can see, it looks pretty AMAZING!!!

The koozie features my Chang3d Man design & I really love how it brought this release to LIFE! Huge thanks to MyBomberJacket for the opportunity. Cop yours via Bombersouth before they sellout!

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The Youth Features #VakseenArt

Marking my 5th art feature in 6 days, The Youth featured my Open Virtue painting on their blog yesterday. This definitely seems to be a fav for a lot of people. You can check out t[...]