Author archives: Vakseen

Indie Spotlight: Aaradhna (@AaradhnaPatel)

New Zealand definitely has some dope talent. If you need any more proof, just listen to the crazy vocals on Aaradhna’s buzz record Wake Up off her newest project, Treble & Reverb. This song says licensing $$$ ALL day!

How To Get Fans To Help Promote Your Music Career

Hi guys, today I want to look at how to get people involved with promoting your music. Why would you want to do this? Simple, because doing all the promotion by yourself is a uphill struggle! And as we know, more hands mean lighter work. Now let me make this clear: I know not everyone currently has the money to hire music marketers to get involved (One day, but maybe […]

Why You Have No Twitter Followers

I get a lot of questions from bands about how to get their numbers up on social media sites. After a 2 minute scan of their sites I completely understand why their numbers aren’t higher (and it’s not because they suck – many of these bands are actually great). It’s because they don’t understand the online communities they are attempting to be a part of. Too many bands improperly use […]

Indie Spotlight: Ro James (@RoJamesXIX)

I’m not even sure how I stumbled onto James’ music, but he has a bright future ahead. The D’angelo vibe is heavy, yet he still maintains his own sound and lane. Already making moves in the biz, James co-wrote Use Me on Miguel’s Kaleidoscope Dream. Check out Pledge Allegiance of his upcoming EP Coke, Jack & Cadillacs.

11 Reasons Why Your Music Self-Promotion Isn't Working

Self-promotion in the music industry is a topic that has been explored extensively over the past 20 years. Some of the basic ground rules are the same that apply to any business or freelancer. Most people in the industry, however, bands included, don’t know a whole lot about it. Many prefer to hover around the topic of social media because it’s all they know. After all, once you call yourself […]

Indie Spotlight: King (@weareking)

I received a text from my homegirl 2 weeks ago asking if I wanted to come to a random show with her. I had no clue who was performing, but spontaneity and fate introduced me to this dope new Soul trio from LA. King’s music reminds me of super chill Badu, but a little more in-the-pocket. Music to vibe, chill or “indulge” in your vices to…

7 Game-Changing Ways to Get Press Without a Publicist

1) Make it easy for them. It’s your job to define your story and tell the world why it is that you need to make music.  Laura Goldfarb at Red Boot Publicity explains, ”Getting coverage is much more likely to happen if your story is compelling and your content is streamlined throughout all available social media outlets.  So much of PR is about pushing your brand to the next level – and consistency is key.” […]

Niche Magazine Features 3 Vakseen Paintings

Much love to Niche literary magazine for featuring three of my paintings in their newest release, issue 3. The featured pieces include Ascension, Toujours and Misplaced Virtue. Check out the screenshots below and view the full feature here.  

The Adirondack Review Features 4 Vakseen Paintings

Much love to literary magazine, The Adirondack Review, for featuring four of my paintings in their new Summer 2013 issue. The featured pieces include Audvantgardener, Dizzy, Solitaire and Morning Glory. Check out the screenshot below and view the full feature here.