Author archives: Vakseen

Bedlam Publishing Features Vakseen Art

The good folks at Bedlam Publishing contacted me recently about featuring both my Dizzy and Audvantgardener paintings in their newest magazine issue Loud Zoo. As fate would have it, they reached out this week about featuring my Pasion de Baile painting as the cover image. This actually marks my 1st of 3 art magazine covers that’ll be releasing over the next few weeks! The new issue went live yesterday and […]

The 13 Biggest Mistakes Artists Make on Soundcloud

Almost every active, relevant musician is now using Soundcloud.  And for those that aren’t… why aren’t you?  The platform is a great way to foster a community, to get feedback on your tracks and to interact and showcase with people that are into the style that you are.  It’s straightforward, essentially free and can’t be missed in the repertoire of any musician that’s expecting to make a name for himself. […]

I Know I’ve Got A Great Song — Now What?

While there’s no guaranteed formula for songwriting success, there are steps you can take to maximize your chances. The first thing to do—after writing your masterpiece—is to confirm that it’s as strong as you think it is. This will require getting objective professional feedback. (Your mother doesn’t count—unless she’s a music publisher.) Presuming the verdict is that you have indeed nailed a terrific song, pat yourself on the back. Now […]

25 Music Crowdfunding Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make

Asking for money sucks. Maybe you fear rejection or maybe you worry that you’ll look desperate, greedy, incompetent or rude. It’s a lot like being a middle schooler trying to hold hands or put an arm around your date while at the movies. Asking for money often raises internal doubts like: * Will I seem greedy? * Will it negatively affect our relationship? * Do they trust me? * Will […]

How to Get A Blogger to Notice Your Music In 8 Easy Steps

Here are eight easy steps to writing the perfect outreach email to introduce yourself and your music to a blogger. 1.) Make sure to target people who you think would actually like to listen to your music i.e. confirm that their musical tastes align with your genre (more on that in step five). 2.) Find that person’s personal email address (not a generic address) or @mention them on Twitter and ask them to DM it […]

The Top 5 Ways To Get Noticed in Today’s Music Industry

1) Write and record stellar music This one goes without saying, but if your songs aren’t (at a minimum) catchy, provocative, unique, and meticulously recorded, then you need to invest as much time and effort as it takes to get them that way.  The days of getting picked up by record labels on the basis of extremely low-budget demo recordings are pretty much over.  So you basically need suck it up […]

Mouthy Mag Interviews Vakseen

I’m actually one of the featured artists in Mouthy Mag‘s “Read My Lips” art show this Saturday, so in conjunction with the exhibition the collective reached out to interview me for their website. Click here to check out the full interview.

10 Tips for Using Music Sales Reporting for a Healthier Business

1. Leverage Your Best-Selling Music. Analyze your best selling albums and singles.  Find out which songs and releases most resonate with music consumers. Think about taking your best-selling songs from multiple albums and create a ‘Greatest Hits’ album for your fans. 2. Measure Promotional Results. Did you run a major promotional campaign for the release of your latest album or single? Use your sales and trend reports to measure the […]

10 Steps To Sell Out Your Next Show

There’s no point in playing a show if no one shows up. Just listing a show on your Facebook Page will not bring people. Bands sometimes think that all they need to do is go on tour and get their shows listed on the venue’s website and people will magically show up because they are a ‘touring band’ far away from home. You must understand that venues do not promote […]

Livid Squid Literary Journal Features Vakseen Painting

2014 is off to a great start! Much love to Livid Squid Literary Journal for blessing me with my 2nd art magazine feature of 2014 and my 28th feature overall. The magazine featured my Ignorant Butterflies II painting and you can check out a screenshot below and the direct link here.