Author archives: Vakseen

The Alchemist Magazine Features Vakseen Art

The good people over at fashion-focused, Alchemist Magazine reached out last month about featuring my art in their premiere issue. The magazine released this week and features five of my paintings (Queen, Ignorant Butterflies, Eyes Wide, She’s Gotta Have It & Luxurious Naïveté). You can preview and cop the full magazine here.

Skin to Skin Magazine Features Vakseen Art

The editor at Skin to Skin Magazine contacted me a few weeks back about featuring my art in their upcoming issue. S2S just released the new May issue Monday and it features Queen, Ignorant Butterflies, Felinity, Veils of Carnality and . They stretched the image a little for the cover, but hey lol. This is still a major blesssing. Cover #4 of 2014!! Check out the full issue here.

Eat Sleep Draw Features Vakseen Art

Yesterday I woke up to a blessing from the good folks at Eat Sleep Draw, the largest user submitted blog on Tumblr. The team featured my Pasion de Baile painting on their blog and you can check out the feature here.

10 Tips to Successfully Launching a New Album

A few simple ways to make a bigger impact at your next CD release party Many musicians look at the mastering and manufacturing of their CD as a kind of finish line. They work hard and drop lots of cash to record and mix their songs, and once the product is in their hands, there’s usually a great sigh of relief and/or a huge sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, at this point lots of bands […]

13 Merch Table Musts for Bands

Whether you’re doing a regional tour of 600-seater halls or playing monthly at a local coffee shop, your merch booth probably isn’t the first thing on your mind when you arrive at the venue. You’re worried about attendance. You’re thinking about tweaks to the set list. You’re introducing yourself to the sound engineer, booker, bouncer, bartender, or barista. You’re hoping you’ll have digested your dinner by the downbeat, or else you’ll […]

10 Things You Need to Know About Placing Music on TV and in Films

You want every chance to generate income from your music, and while mechanical royalties (for sales of tangible product and digital downloads) have diminished, there are more opportunities than ever to have your music heard on television and in movies. In addition to the financial benefit, for songwriters who are also recording artists, prominent placements in TV shows and films can help expand your fan base, in addition to looking great on […]

Iris Brown Lit Mag Features Vakseen Art

The editors at, Louisville, Kentucky-based, Iris Brown Lit Mag contacted me a few weeks back about featuring my art in their very first issue. What started as a feature, ended up being so much more as my Heartache Sit Down painting is the cover of their new inaugural issue. The issue released last week and you can check out the full mag here.

Tupelo Quarterly Features Vakseen Art

Tupelo Quarterly initially contacted me about featuring 2 of my paintings (Veils of Carnality & Felinity) in their newest issue, TQ3. What started as a feature within the pages, quickly into a much bigger blessing when the staff unanimously selected Veils of Carnality as the magazine’s cover image. Talk about blessed!? Check out the full issue here.

How To Get Your Music on Pandora Internet Radio

Submitting music to Pandora is easier than ever Over the past decade, Pandora Internet Radio has become one of the go-to destinations for music discovery. The popular radio service allows over 76 million active users to create customized stations based on their favorite genres and artists. Pandora’s recommendation engine (built on extensive human input) then streams a playlist that is altered by user engagement in real-time. In other words, Pandora is pretty smart […]

Middle Gray Magazine Interviews Vakseen

Earlier this week Boston-based Middle Gray Mag reached out and scheduled an interview to followup after featuring my art in their newest issue #3. We discussed everything from crowdfunding and successful artists, to the meaning behind my paintings. Click here to check out the interview in its entirety.