Author archives: Vakseen

Global Inheritance's "Rain Supreme" Exhibit Opening Feb. 13

Words can’t express how honored I am to be a featured artist in Global Inheritance‘s Rain Supreme water preservation campaign. Each artist was given a water barrel to design that will be traveling to +30 festivals, concerts & events throughout California to educate people on battling this insane drought & ultimately redesign the way people save water. The Rain Supreme debut exhibit will occur this Saturday (2/13) from 11am-8pm at […]

Honey Pot Magazine Features #VakseenArt

Much love to Honey Pot Magazine for featuring #VakseenArt in their newest issue. Not only am I’m featured, but my Have It All painting is also the cover image! You can check out the full issue here.

Baton Rouge Gallery's "Surreal Salon 8" Opening Jan. 22nd

For my fans out in Baton Rouge, I’m honored to Ribbon In Her Eyes featured in Baton Rouge Gallery & Juxtapoz Magazine’s “Surreal Salon 8“. My very 1st show in Baton Rouge and it’s this one!? This is a crazy surrealism show so I couldn’t be more excited to have my piece featured. The show is open to the public and the official soiree is tomorrow! RSVP here.

Triv Magazine Features Vakseen

In my first official interview of the year I had the chance to sit with Triv Magazine & discuss artist life, my Vanity Pop style and music. You can check out the full interview here.

Cannibal Flower's "15 Year Anniversary Show" Opening Jan. 16th

This weekend I’m honored to be featured in Cannibal Flower’s epic 15 year Anniversary show. If you’ve been to any of our previous shows, you know exactly how crazy things can get lol! I’ll be unveiling my 1st official new piece of 2016 so you don’t want to miss it! RSVP here

The Latest Trends in Song Structures

When I took my first songwriting workshop I had no idea that verses, choruses, and bridges were the primary building blocks used in popular songs. Nor did I know that the vast majority of the songs I listened to on the radio combined these components into one of four song forms, or a variation of one of these forms. Initially, when I learned about song structures, I feared that confining […]

The Gabba Gallery’s “Metro Dreams″ Solo Exhibition Opening Jan. 9th

January 9th is the opening reception of my 1st show of 2016 and it’s the biggest of my career. Ok, it’s not just a show; it’s a solo show at the Gabba Gallery (CBS’s top 8 art curators in LA)!! I’ll be premiering my newest creations and you can expect this to be my craziest show to date! You don’t want to miss it!  RSVP here